Think About What You and The Audience Want

The saying goes as “love what you do and do what you love,” and it is true when it comes to podcasting. You must start with what you are passionate about, whether engineering, writing, or anything. Whatever your passion, be ready to keep learning and discovering the main topic you will continually discuss. Podcasts are a good place to express your creativity, share your knowledge, or support a cause. Think about your theme; is it valid for podcasts? Or, will it be better served on Youtube or Instagram? The main advantage of podcasts is that the competition is fairly low. Next, you need to decide if you want to create a podcast as a hobby or to monetize it; monetizing your podcast requires a lot of effort and dedication. Now, think about your audience, who they are, what they want to listen to, and what will keep them listening to you? Do your research and target your audience with your topics.

Pick a Niche

If you have decided to talk about “Sports,” you will find hundreds of other podcasts talking about the same theme. Moreover, broad themes are not appealing for listeners, as some topics won’t be as interesting to them. You need to pick a niche to focus on, and it will make your listeners grow over time. For example, if your theme is “Travelling,” you can target a niche that is interested in affordable options for traveling, so modify your theme to “Traveling on Budget.” However, there must be something that differentiates you from anyone else, as according to the podcast veterans at, if you are not traveling the world, how can you talk about it? One of the main reasons people listen to podcasts is because they want to know how the podcaster felt when he did what he was talking about. You must create unique content that the listeners won’t find anywhere else, which will make them come for more. Maybe they will tell their friends about your podcast.

Choose an Expanding Theme

You have laid out the episodes you will do for the next couple of months, great job. Did you plan what you will do after 2-3 years? Some podcast themes serve their purpose, and they can’t expand further. You need to find a theme where you can diversify your topics or branch out to related themes without losing your main audience. For example, if your main theme is “biking,” then you can explore other related areas such as extreme biking, biking for children, or any other biking topic.

Ideas for A Podcast

If you are still stuck on a theme to choose, here are some ideas that may help to spark your creativity. If you have a talent for storytelling, you can podcast telling some short stories. You can be the author of these stories or read others’ stories; it is your choice. Another interesting theme is space exploration, as you can tackle several topics, such as early space exploration, how NASA started, existing and planned space missions, and numerous other topics. If you are a military veteran, start a podcast about military service experiences. Share your story or ask others to send you their stories and share them with the world. Other themes include history, battling addiction, immigration stories, a specific industry, and so on. Jumping on the podcasting wagon at this junction in the world is a good idea as the competition is still low. If you want to create a podcast, first choose a theme that you are interested in or, even better, be passionate about giving your best and be good at it. However, some themes don’t have many followers, so you have to do your research and check if the theme is sought after. Pick a niche to gather a big bunch of loyal followers that will help you grow a loyal audience. Thank you for visiting

An Easy Guide To Choosing The Right Theme For Your Podcast - 28An Easy Guide To Choosing The Right Theme For Your Podcast - 75An Easy Guide To Choosing The Right Theme For Your Podcast - 54An Easy Guide To Choosing The Right Theme For Your Podcast - 92